

Ms Hood ‘Dawn of the Unread’ audio over graphic story images by Amanda Tribble. Many thanks to Gabriele Zuccarini and Renaissance One.
Ms Hood Live Performance at Embrace Arts in April 2014. Many thanks to Renaissance One for the mentoring and support I received through The Final Stage project. ‘Dawn of the Unread’ won the Guardian Teaching Excellence Award 2015. 

Aly and Milk perform ‘Ms Hood’ at Gunpowder, Treason and Pot’, a night of poetical dissent from LeftLion Magazine and Dealmaker Records, Nottingham Contemporary, 4th November 2011 (YouTube). Poems written and performed by Aly, music and guitar by Milk.

Aly and Milk perform ‘Mermaids’ at WORD! in Leicester, 2010 (YouTube)

Aly & Milk perform Dream Diaries (The Butcher) at Shoestring Readings, The Flying Goose Cafe, Beeston December 2010 (YouTube)

Dust (listen here)

Inspired by travelling in Eastern Europe at the end of the conflict there in 1999, this poem relates to any area which has been through a war, and the people who have survived and returned.

By winter they had gone   leaving only their shadows    We stood where the dust settled   watching rainbows and falling stars….

Mermaids (listen here)

Many of the coastal villages we frequent in the summer are empty during winter, consisting mostly of holiday cottages. Walking the shoreline near Runswick Bay on a moonlit December evening, it is easy to imagine the kind of creatures that might return after we are gone…

Breasts wrinkled and slack, hair dripping lank / Pinched faces with eyes glittering black/ They hesitated , sighed, fell back……

Sushi (listen here)

What can you do when you want to impress someone, but don’t want to look like you’ve tried to hard? Make them Sushi, of course….

Art of perfection/ Shrugged off as easy as silk/ Showing no effort

canning circus gig 09